The sum of “I love you” is 8. That’s right. Not many people know this. I can only think of two who really know this strange mathematical phenomenon – me included. As kids we used to say I love you in code by writing
As my love matured, I reverted to this childlike method of communication. Maybe there was a need to talk in code, but honestly, it was because I came to a deeper understanding of love. In my "greater sophistication," I totaled the three numbers and would simply type or say, “8.” I have only used this expression with one person, and that is the way it will remain – always & forever. At times, 8 failed to be genuine love, but most of the time it was true to form. Today, it challenges me, because as I studied this numeral, I realized that if it is read backwards or upside down, it is still 8. That's the way true love works. No matter how you slice or dice it; it remains constant.
Even more profound was that fact that when turned sideways, it succinctly demonstrates the true nature of love: infinity. Someone used to tell me, “I love you times infinity.” This was the only way of conveying the force of this feeling I suppose. Love isn't simply constant; it is also infinite.
∞ best represents the nature of God: love. Every time I type the number 8, I am reminded about the love of God. For me, the number says, “I love you unconditionally – always & forever – times infinity.” It says that in just one character! And while I know this is probably not amazing to anyone but me, I am completely enamored by this numerical concept.
Every chance I get, being careful not to wear it out, I will insert this one number to remind my friend of how much I care. And each time I use it, God reminds me of how much He cares. When I was a kid, almost a baby really, there was a television show that aired titled, "Eight Is Enough." I am one of eight children, so the title of the show always stuck with me. And despite this all sounding like numerical nonsense, I have come to realize and embrace -- at least when it comes to love -- that 8 is enough.
While my mathematical observation may seem childish, for those of you who are interested in a really deep "possible discovery," someone may have just come up with a Theory of Everything. This will turn modern physics on its head.
The interesting thing is this: if it doesn't lead to love (the true Answer to Everything), it won't mean much in the grand sweep of things :)
Check out this tremendous scientific insight at: http://www.arxiv.org/abs/0711.0770
P.S. For those who don't know what a Theory of Everything is:
In physics, a unified field theory is a type of field theory that allows all of the fundamental forces between elementary particles to be written in terms of a single field. There is no accepted unified field theory yet, and this remains an open line of research. The term was coined by Albert Einstein who attempted to unify the general theory of relativity with electromagnetism. A Theory of Everything is closely related to unified field theory, but differs by not requiring the basis of nature to be fields, and also attempts to explain all physical constants of nature.
"i am one of eight children, so the title of the show always stuck with me."
Well, no less did your title strike me too!
...The Sum of Love is 8...
More than being an Unconditional Lover, i've always believed my number to be 8.
Maybe because i was born on the 8th.
Maybe because most of the people i love are too born on the 8th!
Being in college, i often come across wooden desks with "143" inscribed on it. I knew it instinctively meant, "I Love You"...
And as i kept on reading your post, i somehow felt as if i had thought about it... sort of a Deja vu... as if i knew what you had to say next...
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